Hillary Clinton a Murderer?
by Matthew Bright
by Matthew Bright
"Fake News" it's been thrown around after the fact as a way to explain the election results.
How we can be better informed is now the center of the conversation.
Let's see what fake news is out there.
I went on to Wikileaks recently and searched "Hillary Clinton Murder" because I had heard that particular claim on many social media sites and alternate news organizations
and I got a hit....
and I got a hit....
Of a forwarded message.....
The original message from Stratfor, a shell company giving intelligence to corporations like Lockheed Martin ( Which is probably the bigger story here)
Shows a web of informers, pay-off structure and payment laundering techniques and psychological methods. Yet no one even bats an eye at that part of the document leak, but wait what's this say about Hillary Clinton?
The forward says "Question conspiracy theory" then forwarded "so now you might vote for Hillary.
Forwarded messages where the original message is something someone typed out with the address Thomas Coplin or tcins1@comcast.net and someone with stratfor forwarded. That's it. The whole email thread. Thanks Tom.
Slate puts out the article "Wikileaks Fanning conspiracy flames"
Huffington Post "Conspiracy Theorists won't stop accusing The Clintons of Murder"
Yea that's what they do HuffPo, they theorize and accuse.
Slate, Wikileaks ain't fanning shit, you did by not calling the email what it is. A chain letter amongst 30,000 emails.There's bound to be some emails like: "look at what Julie is wearin?" or "Discount on Yankee's Tix!" The email is authentic doesn't make it credible when it's just typed by a guy who connects the dots to nowhere! look at it! It was started by a Comcast.net account, who does that?! Forwarded messages with crazy subject lines, that is not new!
An entire narrative of Hillary being a murderer was created by this email.
Look, you want some suggestions, I got two sure fire ones Glen Greenwald and The Intercept the reporting done there is absolutely impeccable and unbiased.
In the words of one John Stewart "Bullshit is everywhere so if you smell something, say something."