By Matthew Bright
Aaron Nealson, a blue life, was born March 3rd, 1991 to the parents of Ford Glimmerman and Shelby Betty in Falcon Heights, Minnesota.
Aaron was born among his family of blue lives that understood what he would go through and they tried to prepare him for the world.
Elementary school began a tumultuous journey through blue life. He had become accustomed to the taunts of "pig" and "oink oink" til the fifth grade.
When Aaron reached high school he knew it'd be hard making the team in a non-blue life high school in Falcon Heights. Only one blue life in its history has made the team. As a Blue life, he dealt with multiple struggles from starting a bank account to
Purchasing a home or even getting a car. He didn't want to live a stereotypical blue life experience so he applied to Harvard, skipping The Academy.
He spent most of his time studying on becoming a lawyer but was met with constant criticism and prejudice. Saying one student once said: "Get a badge loser!" Also another replied with: "Blue lives, always playing the victim."
Aaron said when he was a kid he reminded lots of students and teachers that his blueness mattered. That it was what he came from and what made him.
Aaron said quote: "People sometimes are like Demons and just don't know how dangerous they look to blue lives."
We spoke with Rebecca who called Aaron a friend, and a sympathizer to Blue life.
She said: "We agreed on a lot of things but it was just different. We went to a party once and he just kept trying to tell people how he was in constant danger. All I could think was you were born that way, no one blames you for it. Maybe he didn't have a father, or drug use was a factor. Rebecca added: " I asked him if all lives mattered."
He said: "My blue Life has to matter first." She admired that about him.
His parents pressured him as he got older. They knew life would be much harder for him as a blue life, everyone viewed him as dangerous so he found himself playing basketball more often and dancing a lot to make other lives more comfortable with his existence.
Aaron to this day isn't sure if the Blue Life lawyer with Bachelors Degree will be treated like everyone else.
Only time will tell.
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